Revisando carpetas con fotos antiguas,encontré estas de hace un mes o así,no se por que no las he publicado antes por que me encantan.
Era la primera vez en mi vida que salía con gafas de fiesta,estoy un poco ciega,pero para presumir hay que sufrir ;),pero sera que tengo los ojos pequeños y con las gafas me los veo mas grandes,pero me gusta como quedan,puede que repita,y lo vuelva a ver todo mas claramente...
El vestido de encaje,una ganga que encontré gracias al buen ojo fashionista de mi madre,en una percha escondida de Primark,y que al ser transparente,le encuentro mil combinaciones...
Si no nos vemos antes,Feliz año nuevo,y todas esas cosas,comer mucho turrón,comeros todas las uvas y llevar algo rojo que da suerte,yo lo aré...
Checking folders with old photos, found this a month ago or so, not that I have notposted before that I love.
It was the first time in my life coming out with party glasses, I'm a bit blind, but you have to suffer to be beautiful;), but maybe it is because I have small eyes and with glasses Isee them bigger, but I like are, can you repeat, and again to see everything more clearly...
The lace dress, I found it thanks to my mother, in a hidden hanger Primark, which is transparent, I find a thousand combinations ...
If we do not see before, Happy New Year, and all those things, eating too much nougat,eat all the grapes and wear something red brings good luck, I plowed ...
It was the first time in my life coming out with party glasses, I'm a bit blind, but you have to suffer to be beautiful;), but maybe it is because I have small eyes and with glasses Isee them bigger, but I like are, can you repeat, and again to see everything more clearly...
The lace dress, I found it thanks to my mother, in a hidden hanger Primark, which is transparent, I find a thousand combinations ...
If we do not see before, Happy New Year, and all those things, eating too much nougat,eat all the grapes and wear something red brings good luck, I plowed ...